Tips On Navigating Brexit

Tips On Navigating Brexit

Here are some tips for navigating your fashion brand through Brexit when selling to European stores:

  1. Stay informed: Keep up to date with the latest developments in Brexit negotiations and how they may affect your business.

  2. Review your supply chain: Review your supply chain and consider diversifying your sources to minimize the impact of any potential disruptions.

  3. Check your export and import paperwork: Make sure that you have all the necessary export and import paperwork in order to ensure smooth transit of your products.

  4. Consider using a customs broker: Consider using a customs broker to help you navigate the customs process and avoid potential delays.

  5. Be prepared for potential changes in tariffs: Be prepared for potential changes in tariffs and price your products accordingly.

  6. Review your contracts: Review your contracts with European stores to ensure that they are still viable in the post-Brexit environment.

  7. Consider establishing a European presence: Consider establishing a European presence, such as a subsidiary or representative office, to minimize the impact of Brexit on your business.

By following these tips, you can minimize the impact of Brexit on your fashion brand and continue to sell to European stores.

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