Instructions For Marketplace

Hi & welcome to Brand Depot

Upon creating your account , firstly you should visit My Account under Profile settings. From here you can set all your relevant store details , policies ,  contact information and alter your store appearance. 

Banner image should be scaled to 1200 x 560 pixels.

Profile image: Image can be uploaded of any dimension but we recommend you to upload image with dimension of 185x185 px.

Seller Shop Logo: Image can be uploaded of any dimension but we recommend you to upload image with dimension of 165x165 px.

Adding Products: To add your products simply visit the product section within your dashboard. Products can be uploaded manually or by plain.CSV files. Alternatively you can forward your product CSV file to and our team will assign them to your profile for you.

Tips on using Brand Depot: Brand Depot is not only a marketplace but a very efficient business tool for your brand. We recommend you adding your URL to your own direct website where visitors may also see that your brand is open for wholesale whereby they can purchase wholesale directly from you using the brand depot platform both securely & safely. 

We hope that you enjoy using our services & should you have any further queries please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at